CHIP ROLLINS – December 5, 2011

My dear friend, April Rollins, rescued Chip from an abusive home nine years ago and welcomed him unconditionally into her home. He passed away on 12/2/11 at the age of 11. I had the honor of knowing him these last four years and it is not an understatement when I say he was the finest, most noble friend one could have. He was unequivocally the head of the household and made that fact quite well known. He was a protector, a friend and most of all a blessing. Although he has left behind April, his sister Anna and all of his other friends, it is such a comfort to know he has moved on to a place of perpetual sunshine and green fields. Chip knew how much he was loved and will be ever in our hearts. He would be so pleased to know that April is fostering another boxer, Cheyenne, who is 15 years old!

sent in by: Kevin Kerry

SCARLETT  February 3, 1999 – October 26, 2011

Our beautiful girl was such a blessing and brought us so much joy.

Letting go was hard, but she will always have a place in our hearts.

We miss you every day.

-Jim and Robin Robertson

DeeDee October 12, 2011

DeeDee joined my family in the summer of 2002 and from the beginning brought gentleness, love and joy into my life and into the lives of the many other people and animals she met. Her best animal friend was Zack the cat, and she played joyfully with her dog buddies such as Tucker and Molly. She was never angry, mean or aggressive to anyone.  She tolerated the many kinds of headwear her Mom dressed her up with during holidays and birthdays. She wore her Santa Claus, Pirate hat, princess veil, and birthday party hat with charm and brought a lot of laughs to her friends.

DeeDee was loved greatly by her Mom, Judy, family members Linda, Marlene, family cats Zack, Catherine and Henri as well as Kooky Bird the cockatiel. Grandparents, cousins, neices and great-nephews all loved DeeDee in fact everyone who met her loved her.

ROCKY 1/22/01 – 9/27/11

Rocky The Wonder Dog was our best friend. He was a fabulous brother to all of our CBR fosters and was adored and is greatly missed by his Mom, Dad, Sister and fur sister Adina. There will never be another “Rock Star”.  Ashley Hyer

LEXIE RODGERS one of the founding boxers of Carolina Boxer Rescue (founded in 2001)

December 4, 1998- July 25, 2011

Lexie welcomed hundreds of foster fur brothers and sisters over her years with Carolina Boxer Rescue.  She never understood why her mom took in so many homeless dogs, but she graciously shared her home and her mom’s attention with them.

Jumper of fences, hater of skateboards, lover of cheese and car rides….she was 13 and half years old, gray faced and wobbly when her GI cancer returned.  Lexie Loo was her mom’s best friend and now loyally waits at the Rainbow Bridge.

-Teresa Rodgers White

SASSY  June 25, 2011

I remember getting a call from my daughter Jennifer(a CBR volunteer) asking if we could keep a dog for a week or two. Sassy was on “death row” at a nearby shelter. Even though I had recently said no more animals…I said ok. When Jennifer dropped her off Carol started to cry. Sassy weighed 27lbs, had cherry eye, and some disease. After getting her healthy she was put up for adoption…but luckily we decided to adopt her. We are thankful that we did. Although she was spoiled (as an only child for a while)she appreciated everything we did for her. She lived for the moment and was always happy…even when we got her her nub was going a mile a minute. I think she knew she had found her “forever home” before we knew it! She loved going for walks, playing with toys, and playing games. She bonded very well with Mr. Pete and taught Buffy a lot about how to relax and just be a dog.Buffy does so many things like Sassy used to do. We have never known a dog as loyal and devoted a

  s Sassy. She touched our hearts deeper than we thought possible. I’m sure that’s why we have had such a hard time dealing with her being gone. They creep into our hearts and we only get to share their existence for such a short time. However, they will forever hold a piece of us until we see them again.

 – Barry and Carol Kemp

MAGGIE  April 25, 2011

2002 I stumbled onto the Carolina Boxer Rescue website and saw the picture of Maggie. I fell in love instantly and had to have her. Even if she caused trouble we loved her anyway. She was wonderful with my children. We brought Duffy, Bubba & Daisy into the family and they all loved each other. Bubba & Maggie are now together at Rainbow Bridge. We miss you Maggie! 

Love, Amanda, Chris, Christian, Joshua, Duffy & Daisy

GRACIE  April 5, 2011

We met Gracie in 2004 when I was a CBR volunteer.  She needed a ride from her foster home to what was to have been her forever home, and we just happened to be making a trip along that route.  When we got in the car, she rested her head on Kenn’s shoulder.  He looked at me and said “How come you didn’t tell me she was available?”  I laughed and said “The last I heard, you did not want a second dog! In any case, she’s already spoken for.”  So we delivered her to her new family, but those circumstances didn’t work out and she came to stay with us a few days later for what was to have been a short-term foster situation.  We had fostered several sweet dogs in the past and were always happy to find them their forever home.  We already had our Dallas and had no intention of being a two-dog family.  Gracie apparently had plans to change that.  Almost as soon as she arrived, it was obvious that she was home.  She made it clear that she was the dog we hadn’t realized we were looking for, and so she stayed.  And as the years passed, she helped us welcome each of our two children home and weathered those changes in our family life with grace true to her name.  Our sweet Gracie Girl will be missed so much

– Susan, Kenn, Ryan and Morgan Kubacki

COGNAC   October 13, 1999 – April 14, 2011

Cognac never met a person she didn’t want to lick!  She will be greatly missed.

Cognac was the beloved boxer of CBR volunteer, Joanne Shy

CASEY   March 21, 2011

Casey was adopted by the Warren Family in February 2005.  The Warren’s were blessed with 6 wonderful years with their beloved Casey.  He will be greatly missed.   -sent in by Lindsey Warren

Donations were made in memory of Casey by: 

Lindsey Warren – “In memory of my boy, Casey, (formerly known as Cassius when I adopted him in spring 2005).  We had many great times together!”

Laura Wheeler – “In honor of Casey who blessed Lindsey with unconditional love and friendship”

Brian and Carol Warren – “We would like to dedicate this donation to a family favorite who passed away this morning, Casey. Casey we will miss you!”

Linda Warren – “In honor of Casey and Lindsey Warren”

Rhett Barrett – “Miss you, Casey”

DUNKIN  March 15, 2011

Our baby boy ‘Dunkin’ was helped to Rainbow Bridge on 15 March.  His body could no longer fight the infection in his lung.   He was not your typical boxer.  He wasn’t a kisser; he didn’t wiggle, he was very low keyed.   He was unique!   He was approximately 5 years old when he went to Rainbow Bridge.   I am honored that he shared the last few years of his life with me!  He was a very gentle boy!!  He was my friend, he was my comfort on a rough day; he was my joy; he brightened my life.   He was not with us for a long time, but he gave me enough love to last for a lifetime. I miss him so! 

sent in by Mary Bumpas

BEAR  March 14, 2011

Bear was a loyal family member and enjoyed the company of his doggie brothers and sister.  Bear would have been 12 next month.  He was a wonderful, easy going boy who will be greatly missed.

-sent in by Joe and Cindy Sands

CHIEF March 9, 2011

For those that didn’t know, I am heartbroken to say that my baby boy, Chief, passed away on Ash Wednesday.  He was diagnosed less than a week earlier with congestive heart failure.  He had meds to keep him comfortable and died at home.  I am thankful that I did not have to make the decision for him.  It has been extremely difficult.  He was LOVED!!!  He was an amazing, loving, goofy, loyal, sweet, gentle companion.  

-sent in by Marne Kane Hogan

A donation has been made in memory of Chief by Jamie Jones.

PETE March 7, 2011

We picked Mr. Pete up at the 2008 Boxer Bash in Columbia, SC. Mr. Pete went from not wanting to look at us in the eyes to becoming a 75 pound lap dog that followed us around the house all the time (we loved to play hide and seek with him). After two and a half years we decided to adopt him and give him the forever home he deserved. Although he crossed over Rainbow Bridge a short time later were glad we did it (bet Mandi and Angus were waiting for him on the other side of the bridge). The say life is a journey and not a destination. If so. we feel blessed to have been a part of the last part of Mr. Pete’s journey. Dogs are very good at living in the moment but Mr. Pete was a master. He lived a simple life needing only food/water, a comfortable bed and most of all to be loved. Mr. Pete was at peace knowing that his purpose in life was to have a calming affect on people and dogs alike. When we picked up Mr. Pete’s remains after cremation the velvet bag his urn was in read “Until we meet again at Rainbow Bridge.”  

We look forward to that day Mr. Pete. Until then your memory will live on in our hearts.

– Barry and Carol Kemp

HOOPTY March 5, 2011

Hoopty was owned and loved by CBR volunteer, Rusty Oates.  Hoopty will be greatly missed by Rusty and his boxer sister, Tess.

SADIE    January 1, 2011

Sadie was owned and loved by CBR volunteer, Lisa Nielsen, and her family.

DUDE December 10, 2010

“Casper” spend his first day with our family being herded upstairs by my eldest skin kid, Daniel.  Daniel was convinced that here was his best friend – EVER.  We had driven from Charleston to Myrtle Beach to pick up our new family member and had spent the entire drive back trying to figure out “what” he looked like.  He wasn’t a Casper as far as my husband and my two boys were concerned.  He wasn’t “Salt” or “Snow” or even “Space Ghost”.  He certainly wasn’t a “Monster” or “King”.  Two hours later back at the house we still couldn’t figure out “who” he was.  So as Daniel took “Casper” into his room and put him up on his bed so they could watch TV together fate took over.  Despite being a rather small Boxer this boy had some build on him: “Dude!  You’re stepping on me!”  Then it was “Dude!  You have dog breath!”  As my husband and I looked in on our boys (two skin, one fur) we knew:  This was our laid back Dude.  It’s been almost 3 years since that day and we have never once regretted having Dude as part of our family.  He has been everything from confidant to jogging partner, pillow to foot warmer.  

I prefer to think that Dude crossed the rainbow bridge on Friday December 10th because he realized that his life was now perfect: He was part of a family who loved him.  When it was cold outside he would always have a nice leather sofa to stretch out on and a Mom who would tuck him in with his own fuzzy blanket.  He had skin brothers who always wanted to love him and share everything with him: french fries, baseball hats, and the occasional popsicle.  

When life can’t get any better: all dogs go to heaven.

Love, Mom

sent in by: Jennifer Sandley

ROSEY  January 25, 2011

Rosey was the sweetest and most loving dog we have ever had. She was our little “piggy” who loved to eat and our big baby. She struggled with sickness for several months and finally crossed the rainbow bridge where she doesnt have to suffer anymore. Though we only had her six months she is going to be deeply missed! xoxoxo

sent in by: Ryan and Nina Nobles