Become a Virtual Ambassador for CBR

Do you love creating amazing videos and posting them online? Do you have a strong social media presence and love connecting with your followers? If you answered yes to these questions then OUR DOGS NEED YOU!

Numerous boxers at CBR have been with us for well over 6 months and we need your help to get the word out about them on social media to help get them the forever home they deserve.

What does a Virtual Ambassador do, you ask? Well, you would be in charge of promoting CBR long-term resident boxers on your social media platforms to help get them adopted. Businesses are welcome to participate as this would make a great team-building activity!

Become an CBR Virtual Ambassador in 3 Easy Steps

  1. Choose one of our long-term residents as your Virtual Ambassador dog. (see below)
  2.  Connect with the foster to learn more about the long-term dog.
  3. Create adorable content and harness the power of social media to help your dog get adopted. Make sure to use the following tags on your social media posts: #CBR #ClearTheShelters #CBRVirtualAmbassador
  4. Contact for more information

Currently, our long-term dogs that need homes are:









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