Foster Gracie – 12/6/15

We had to say goodbye to Gracie today.. She was a very sweet girl, who knew real love for the last year with CBR. A big thank you to her Foster Mommies who took great care of her. She loved going to the beach, taking walks, and peaking into showers! Gracie will be missed. …

Harley – 10/29/15

We are so sad to tell you that we had to say goodbye to our boy Harley on Monday. He had an antibiotic resistant infection that went systemic.
We adopted Harley from CBR in October of 2004 when he was eleven months old. He was a sweet, loving boy wrapped in a wild child exterior. He was totally covered in mange and it took about a year to reveal his beautiful brindle coat.
Harley loved the beach and was fascinated by birds. He loved to bark at herons and other seabirds and would stalk sanderlings down the beach. Ironically, he was not a great fan of water. He hated going out in the rain, and would do almost anything to avoid stepping in a puddle.
We adopted his sister Quinn in 2005 and they were inseparable partners in crime for the past ten years. She is totally lost without him.
It’s impossible to write something that expresses the awesomeness that was Harley. He had many friends and was loved at the vet and the kennel and in the neighborhood for being such a great boy. He stood out. For us he was family. We will miss his goofy, loving, lovable self.
Thanks to CBR for bringing Harley into our lives.
Run free, Harley, run free…                      Gray and John Spencer & Quinn  

Foster Rock – 10/20/15  

Foster Rock came into rescue as a beautiful bouncing boy.  Not long after that his visit to the vet was not a good one.   He was given not a long time to live.  His foster mom Janet Freshour gave him a wonderful life, though short and made sure he lacked for nothing.   Today she was by his side to help him cross over the Bridge, as his time with us here was done. 

He is now romping at the Bridge whole again and joined by all those before him.

R.I.P. Rock………I’m glad you knew love at the end.

Rocco – 7/18/15 – Rocco was our beloved boxer that we had the privilege of having as a part of our family for almost 9 years.  Rocco passed away in July after a struggle with health issues.  He was dearly loved by us all, and he loved his family, too.  We are so grateful to CBR and the opportunity we had to adopt Rocco.  What an incredible blessing he was to our family.  We miss and love you, sweet boy.

Alan, Kim, Hannah & Spencer

Foster Maverick  –  August 2015   We always hope for the best when we pull a dog from a shelter. Sometimes we take them so that they do not have to be alone at the end of their days. Such was the case with our hospice foster, Maverick. His foster, Janine, allowed him to share her home, her heart, and even her bed. Maverick began to have seizures. It was thought that it could be related to his thyroid or perhaps a brain tumor. He was put on medicine that did stop them. Even so, Maverick was unsettled. He paced and whined. Janine watched him decline and knew that Maverick’s body was failing him. She felt keeping him was no longer fair to him. On his last day Maverick let Janine snuggle with him, something that was not his habit. She was with him as he was helped to the bridge. Janine and Maverick embody all that is good with rescue. We may not be able to save them all, but we can ensure that they live with dignity, care, and love in their final days.Thank you Janine for giving a loving home to our old man and God speed Maverick.

Sheena 8/15  We will miss you, Sheena.  You have been an awesome dog and a special member of this family.  Your wiggles and smiles will always be remembered with love.  We will never forget your love and devotion.  We love you!
Tommy, Kathy, and Taz

Cody 8/15   I’m so sad that the Platz family has lost their sweet Cody at age 13 1/2.    While he was not a CBR dog,  he welcomed all the CBR fosters that they took in over the years. Run free sweet Cody and we are so sorry for your loss Anna, Billy, and Taylor. 

Echo 7/15        Echo, fuiste un perro super especial. Dejaste lindos recuerdos y tocaste la vida de muchas personas y otros perros. Run free at the Rainbow Bridge, sweet boy.


Julian 6/15 – Julian, thank you for ten amazing, precious years. You squeezed a lifetime of love and joy into the decade we were lucky enough to spend with you. We will miss you and love you always.
Your adoring family,

Riva, Jonathan, Aaron & Jordan Ko

Luna- 6/15   Luna came into Sammy’s and my life at a critical time, around February 2008.  She has been a pacemaker for both of us, helping to keep our hearts beating during our most challenging moments.

On Monday morning, after fairly good days but increasingly miserable overnights, Luna and I headed to our veterinarian for the final time.

We got her two sides of bacon and an ice cream bar, which she gleefully devoured. She loves the resident vet cat and was given the fun opportunity to see Mocha again.  She froze as though mesmerized by her not-necessarily-adoring friend.  The doctor lifted her to the examination table.  Both of our wonderful veterinarians were present and have been instrumental, loving, and supportive in keeping Luna as comfortable as possible as she dealt with the lymphoma (I noticed and had diagnosed on March 16). 

As I held and hugged my girl and spoke to her, her body peacefully relaxed into my arms and onto the table.  As Ann pointed out, now Jim and Luna have the chance to adore each other, and they will.

The photos show Luna caring for me after my surgeries, as well as her bond with Sammy.

Thank you for the part you played in my precious Luna’s life.  I am not wanting to talk about this right now, but I appreciate your thoughts.

Love to all,

Sweet Momma – 6/10/15

Just want to let yall know that Sweet Mama passed away suddenly. They think it was her heart. She was such a great dog and an awesome Mama to her pups. I know she will be missed by the Roush family. They loved her and Papa so much. She will always hold a special place in my heart. ??❤

For those that don’t know this girl’s story…CBR pulled this very pregnant girl and her pups’ daddy from the shelter on Halloween 2013. We fostered Mama while Papa went to another foster home. I took Mama to the vet early on November 1st and they said she was having 7-8 pups any day. She delivered the first one in the back of my car on the way home! She had 7 more, but one didn’t make it. All the pups were adopted out (we failed and kept one!) and Sweet Mama was adopted by a wonderful family along with Papa. We were all so happy that they were reunited. Caring for this Mama and her puppies was an amazing experience. One I’ll never forget.

Max  6/8/15    “Hi, I am writing with news I never want to share. Max, my gorgeous, sweet boxer has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. He had been struggling with cancer,  but he seemed to be doing better today. He went quickly and in my arms with his daddy right there petting him. He went surrounded by love.

Max was my foster failure through your rescue. He was loved and spoiled during his time here and is so missed already. I am attaching a photo of him and his partner in crime.

I just thought you guys there should know.
Thank you for helping me save him from the shelter back in 2009. He changed my life.”

Lou – 5/11/15    I’m sorry to report that Robyn Davis in Wilmington lost her CBR adoptee Lou today.   I always called him  “Lou Boy”.  Isn’t he handsome?   

Daisy – April 2015 – Thanks to everyone who has given me advice and words of encouragement since Daisy’s cardiomyopathy diagnosis.  We were really hoping for more time with her, but unfortunately that was just not to be. She passed early this morning.  She was with us for almost 3 years and was the most amazingly sweet girl.  Today is very hard, but I’m so glad that she found her way to our family through CBR.  She was loved and cherished and will be missed so much.

Susan & family

Jackie – 10/29/01 – 2015  Today is a sad day.   Terry Newsom had to say good bye to his long time CBR dog Jackie.   For those of who know, Jackie was a white deaf boxer pulled from a high kill shelter in Jacksonville in 2002.   She attended the very first  Boxer Bash.  Today, with her in his arms, his vet helped Jackie to the Bridge.  She was two weeks shy of her 13 1/2 year mark. From those of who have known Terry from the beginning, and those who have known him as of recent, we send big Boxer Nub Wags and Slobbery Boxer Kisses to him on her passing.

RIP Jackie – you are now in a place where you can hear all of the wonderful things you missed in this life.

Cricket and all of the CBR Team

Mr Tucker- – March 2015 spent year after year guarding us, and now he is free to guard whomever and whatever in heaven with all the other beloved pets that have left us.  We love and miss you, Mr Wonderful.

Boots – Feb 2015

Boots brought joy into our lives. He had a great big heart and always wanted to protect his family. We’ll always remember his little tail wagging and sloppy kisses. We will miss you Boots and keep you in our hearts forever. With love, Del and Marie

Sir Bruno – 1/26/15

It is said that people enter your life for a season, a reason, or a lifetime. There is no doubt that Sir Bruno entered our lives for a reason.  In rescue, our goal is to be sure that the dogs helped never feel alone or abandoned again.   We strive to have them live the rest of their days in comfort and knowing that all humans are not like the ones they came from. Although he was rescued, the end of his days had already been decided by one of those people. Even so, he lived those days feeling warm and comfortable and free of the pain of living his life. We may feel sad that Bruno never got the chance to have a loving family, but that is not exactly true. He had the family we all would want for ourselves. Thousands of his family cheered him on. Thousands of dollars were raised by his family for his care. Thousands of his family pressed their hands together in hope and prayer.  Thousands gave him a little piece of their heart, even as his own was failing. Thousands of his family’s tears were shed when his body could no longer fight. Thousands of his family will be mobilized to action in his honor. WE are that family. Bruno was OUR dog. It does not matter that his time with us was short. We managed to squeeze in a lifetime of love and in return he has forever changed ours.


Sir Bruno joined this family on January 22, 2015 and was escorted to the bridge filled with our love on January 26, 2015.



It is with a very sad and very heavy heart that I write to you with my news.

Before, I tell you my sad news, I wanted to thank you both for the gift of love you gave me on May 4th, 2012.  That was the day my sweet Taco Belle came into my life. 

My daughter and I picked him up from Stacy (I don’t remember her last name, but she actually did keep our boy for us once on vacation J) who had sprung him from the Burlington shelter.  Taco came to me as a foster.  I had originally planned to call him Bailey but on the way home my then 4 year old said “Mommy, this dog can speak Spanish!”  So of course I quickly called out that we could not have a Spanish speaking dog named Bailey, we will call him Paco!  Well my daughter heard “Taco” and that’s what he became!  Taco come to my family at 7-9 years of age weighing just under 40 pounds with every bone in his body visible through his skin.  He had 4 pressure points on his hips where his bones were actually trying to poke through his skin, he had heartworms and roundworms, sores all over his feet, he was filthy dirty and covered in ticks.  He was so scared but he let me bathe him twice and pull off all those ticks without a growl or concern for what I was doing to him.  He never once showed me he didn’t trust me.  I believe he knew that I was there to save him.  Our family fell in love so quickly with this gentle soul, we adopted him as a gift to our daughter for Christmas.  Although I must admit, I was the one who received the biggest gift of all in this adoption.

You see, I became Taco’s person.  The bond we grew and nurtured together is beyond anything I have ever felt.  The love in his eyes he has for me is irreplaceable.  Taco came everywhere with us, often at my insistence, but he was indeed our family member.  Over the last two and a half years, I can bet that he and I have walked over 1000 miles together for without his daily two walks he was a force to be reckoned with in the house.   Taco was welcome at both sets of grandparents houses (which is amazing because the in-laws don’t like dogs and don’t have pets), friends close and far away, neighbors’ homes, you name it, he never got turned away.  We’ve been on countless vacations together where our top priority was always making sure we went somewhere, that Taco could come with us.  Anyone that knows me knows my dog.  J  If I didn’t mention the bond we shared let me just tell you that I have not sat next to my husband on the couch for the last two years because if I did, Taco would give is initial stare, then he’d walk over and whine, and if my husband didn’t move, Taco would firmly plant his big tail (now weighing near 60 pounds) either on the 2 inches of space that existed between us or on my husband.  It didn’t matter, all was right with the world so long as he was near me.

Over two and a half years we have defeated heartworms, cleaned up that busted mouth of his and had multiple teeth removed, tackled eye ulcers twice, and had numerous lumps and bumps removed.  All of this was no match for what we experienced two LONG weeks ago.  I won’t go into the details because I know this is getting very long winded but Taco had some sort of event early morning on January 13th.    We had to say said goodbye to my love that night and my heart aches for him.  My home is so quiet, I miss the sound of his feet on my hardwood floors, I miss the sound of his ears and collar flapping when he would shake off the cold after coming inside, the sound of his sweet puppy dreams as he lay sleeping.  I miss him putting my daughter to bed with me every night.  I miss him curling up to me every chance he had….but most of all I miss the sheer joy he brought into my home and to everyone that met him for this was one FABULOUS dog.

I am forever grateful to you all for bringing him into my life.  My life has been changed forever because of this single fur baby…he taught me so much.  Love, trust, loyalty, prosperity, friendship…the list could go on and on.  My only hope is that somehow, someway we were able to give Taco Belle as much love and joy as he gave to us. 

Until we meet again….rest in peace Taco Belle Culp

Thank you….Amanda Culp

In loving memory of Kaya

My best friend, Blair, brought Kaya into my life four years ago.  She changed my life forever and touched so many others. She truly was one in a million