DOZIER MODLIN March 15, 2010 – November 25, 2016

Dear Sweet Dozier – you left us way too soon.  We miss you terribly but are so thankful for all the love you gave us and all the wonderful memories you left us with.  You loved everyone you met, and everyone loved you.  We will always remember your jumping in the air and barking at the hawks in the trees about 75 feet in the air; the happiness you displayed when Lori from next door came to join us for morning coffee; how excited you were when we entered PetSmart in New Bern for a Meet, and how you so eagerly and happily searched for your CBR family – especially Larry.  You even loved to go to the vet, especially if Laura was there.  Jake and you were so good together and played so much in the back yard – he misses you very much too.  You were a “cuddle bug” and we really miss that.  You always shared your love and your boxer kisses with everyone.   Run free sweet boy. 

CBR Alumn Charlie Dec 2, 2016 – Charlie became the center of our family on Dec. 2, 2016. Immediately we noticed his huge fun-loving personality. Always by our side and never left alone.  He loved snuggling up on the large “Fuf” beanbag and found comfort when you let him in his neck.  If you were sitting on the ground he would stand over you to ensure you took notice of him and give him a hug. He loved to show his excitement by bounding up in the air on all fours…especially if you started jumping with him. His favorite time of the day was the morning when everyone was up and ready to play…and of course to have his breakfast. Heloved going on car rides…especially when it was time to pick the kids up from school. We love and miss you so much Charlie. You were given a second chance but gone too soon. We will never forget your “Snaggle” tooth, enormous long tongue, wiggly butt, and loving personality. 

CBR alumn Trooper – December 2016

I couldn’t be more thankful than I already am to of had this beautiful boy and his gentle spirit grace our lives. Although cut much too short l, the year that we were able to spend with him and show him what true love was all about and that people could be kind will be some of my best memories. I wanted justice for him for the seven years of neglect and abuse he clearly endured  but I will take this year that I got with him and treasure it for a lifetime. Even through his health issues he always maintained that happy energy that could make anyone smile and he never knew a stranger. He loved for people to stop by and talk to him while he was outside and his favorite thing in the world were kisses on his forehead and cheeks. He had a special little Troopy dance that his foster mommy taught him before he came to us. It was quite entertaining and adorable. My home feels as though some sunshine has been clouded over but I know he will remain with us in spirit always. Thank you CBR and to all the volunteers who got him to us and especially Mel and Jane. My gratitude extends beyond words and I truly admire all the work and love you put forth to bring these beautiful babies to us all. 

Cherokee – November 2016 – 

CBR Alum, Cherokee, passed yesterday as soon as we arrived at the vet clinic VSH-Cary.  She had a hemorrhage from her hemangiomasarcoma cancer that had spread quickly in the last 4 months.  I had come home at lunch to check on her.  The vets said she had been a rockstar in taking on her spinal tumor over 2 1/2 years ago, and her pituitary tumor and hemangiosarcoma cancer this year.   She has been a blessing in my life and a great, beautiful boxer girl.   It will be hard not seeing her around the house.   Rest in peace, Cherokee.  Love you so much!

Emily Riggs

Alex III – July 2016

Somewhere over the rainbow where the grass is green and the sun is always shining. The birds are singing and butterflies fly. This is where our Alex is, beautiful, young brindle boxer like he was 14 years ago. He does not have any diseases and is a playful and a free spirit. How do we honor Alex’s life.He brought joy and love to our lives from the first day he came to live with us?.Alex was our gentle giant and we will miss him forever and always. Love,Cyndy and Joe

Gracie- June 2016

Gracie crossed the Bridge this morning about 9:00 AM. Neurological problems led to brain tumor. Thank you for your friendship, Love & Support and Carolina Boxer Rescue for sending “Amazing Grace” into our lives. What a journey she took us on. Lucky’s BFF. She will be missed by George, Lucky and myself

Roxy – May 2016

I can’t explain the amount of love and happiness Roxy brought into my life! She fought a brave, strong fight with cancer for 3 years and did it all with grace and dignity, beating the odds many times, and leading her Vets to call her my ‘Miracle Dog’. She would be 12 on July 17th so she outlived many Boxers, and many other dogs for that matter, which is a true testament to her strength and will to live and love. She was the absolute PERFECT dog for all of the 11 years I was blessed to have her in my life. She earned the nickname ‘Wigglebutt’ early on because her nub wagged so hard her whole rear end wiggled side to side as she tap-danced, so happy to greet me every day. She would put a paw on each of my shoulders and give me the most gentle, heartfelt kisses.  I’ll miss everything about her for every day of my life … her smell, her smile, her kisses, her big beautiful brown eyes.  I would give anything and everything to hold and cuddle with her again. She was my rock, my most trusted and loyal companion, always by my side. My sweet pea, my baby, my heart and soul. I miss her so much and know she’ll be waiting on me when my time comes to cross over.  “Once you have had a wonderful dog, a life without one is a life diminished.” ~ Dean Koontz

Laila – May 2016     Our precious Laila came to us August ’08.  The minute she walked her skinny little self into her forever home she made herself right at home.  That girl was a clown who made us laugh many times and how she loved to play ball even by herself.  We loved her and she loved us.  Her health declined over the past 3 years with 2 major surgeries and many weeks in NC and FL hospitals.  In the end it was cancer and not the previous illnesses that quickly took her from us.  Laila will be in our hearts forever.  Thank you CBR for sharing her with us and bringing us so much joy.  With broken hearts, Tom and Susan Gavitt. The picture is of Laila on her favorite settee.

Lily – 5/4/16 –   Lily was adopted at 7 1/2 years old and would have been 11 next week.  Special thanks to CBR for giving me the few years I had with her.  She was a jiggly girl!  Miss her dearly…the house just isn’t the same without hearing a squeaky toy 24/7.

Baxter – 4/27/16   

It is with a heavy heart that I let all my CBR family know that Baxter has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. I got a message last night that he was not doing well, staring into space and not walking. The vet confirmed this morning that it was a brain Tumor and considering Baxter’s age his condition would not get better. So Richard made the hard choice of letting him go. Baxter was rescued in 2012 just in time, his time was up. Baxter had known nothing but abuse his whole life. He found out that not all humans are not bad. CBR showed him his first love, I showed him his second love and Richard and his family showed him everlasting love. I kept Baxter for over a year and then Richard adopted him on 4/25/14 where they created a lot of great memories. So please keep Richard and his family in your thoughts and prayers. Run free Baxter on that High Mountain Top!  Give your four legged babies a extra hugg tonight!

Nikki – April 2016    Precious Nikki, a ball of energy & fierce drive.  Never to be outdone or outplayed by the other dogs.  Did more on three legs than all of them combined. She gave 100% of herself every moment of every day. We will miss her dearly, but, relish the wonderful memories.  Precious girl, I’ll bring your collar when I cross the Bridge & meet you at Heaven’s door ❤️

Nikki was my last foster failure ❤️ Loved her the moment I saw her.  Thank you, Teresa & CBR

Jack – March 5th 2016    

We picked Jack up in Gaffney for his freedom ride on July 16, 2014 and we fell in love right away. We knew he was a bit older but he had just enough puppy in him to make him a perfect Boxer. The day we adopted him was one of the happiest days of our lives! He settled into our lives perfectly and when we bought a lake house it quickly became his favorite place on earth. He spent his last year boating, chasing deer, playing in the water, lounging in the sun and winning the hearts of everyone who had the pleasure of meeting him.
Late last summer we discovered he had pancreatic cancer/tumors which we had removed. At that time, we also discovered he had the all too familiar Boxer cardiomyopathy.  Although his pancreatic cancer did return, it was his heart that eventually gave in and took him from us. Jack spent his last morning cuddling with his favorite person (his dad), playing on the dock, and sniffing everything in sight in the woods. He collapsed and was gone from us quickly.
We planted a tree next to where we buried him and will put a remembrance stone there as well. We want to always be reminded of our favorite friend at his favorite place. Thank you for all you do to bring these amazing souls into our homes and hearts and giving us, even if for just a short time sometimes, memories which will last a lifetime

Many of you may remember the infamous “Tongue Dog” back from 2009.   We have just gotten word that Holly has passed away after a wonderful life with her furever family.   Her is a picture of her beautiful self…………RIP Holly.

CBR alumn George – Feb 2016

He was missing so many teeth and had so many scars. George was the most gentle and loving dog I’ve ever met, and he warmed up to me so quick.

I’m so sad he’s gone but so happy I got to love him.  One time i was walking him and he jumped into some bushes and pulled out a cat and was shaking it around like his toys.  I yelled for him to sit and he let go and sat down and was trying to look away with his big boxer eyes, then he spits out a softball size fur ball.  The cat got away but Poor cat.  It was the funniest thing ever, he was trying to hide this enourmous fur ball anf make me happy bit still trying to be a doggy too.  I sure do miss him.

Here is a picture after a hot summer walk.

Quinn – Feb 2015      

I wanted to let y’all know that we had to say goodbye to Quinn last week. We adopted Quinn (formerly Missy) from CBR in August of 2005. We’d had Harley for about 9 months at that point and wanted a sister for him.  She was about one year old, covered in mange and so skinny. We don’t think she ever forgot her starving days because food was the light of her life.   

She and Harley bonded right away, played so hard together and were inseparable for 10+ years. We started fostering after she arrived and Quinn was Mama Dog to all of the others who came through our house on their way to forever homes. 

We’re comforted with the image of Harley and Quinn together again.  We really miss our sweet girl. 

Thanks, Gray

Foster Viper – Unfortunately senior Viper suffered a pulmonary embolism and unfortunately he had to be put to sleep. He will be missed by his foster family.

Cherokee 11/9   CBR Alum, Cherokee, passed yesterday as soon as we arrived at the vet clinic VSH-Cary.  She had a hemorrhage from her hemangiomasarcoma cancer that had spread quickly in the last 4 months.  I had come home at lunch to check on her.  The vets said she had been a rock-star in taking on her spinal tumor over 2 1/2 years ago, and her pituitary tumor and hemangiosarcoma cancer this year.   She has been a blessing in my life and a great, beautiful boxer girl.   It will be hard not seeing her around the house.   Rest in peace, Cherokee.  Love you so much!