Dec 2, 2014  Brodi was a big, beautiful, strong and loyal presence who was very protective of his loved ones. And his “people” Billy, Lauren and William loved him and he will be sorely missed. He and his loved ones fought a long hard battle for him to stay here with them, but it was not to be. We will miss you Brodi.  Rest in peace, my friend.

Adina – AKA Weenie.  Gotcha date 5/6/2004 – 10/14.  Our Adina was our introduction to CBR and what a wonderful ambassador she was.. A great foster sister to many, the sweetest doggie in the world and a real Daddy’s girl. We will greatly miss our Weener and always remember “The Dangerous Dew”, the silent alpha,  her no nub, great love of food and her love of belly rubs – Ashley, Bryan, Brooke and fur brother Barney

-Diamond – July 2014    I recently visited the boxer rescue page.  I forgot that you all post when our boxers go to dog heaven.  Well we had to put Diamond down last year, on July 5th and I wanted you all to know.  Her foster family Billy, and Anna Platz lived in Wilmington, NC. 

Gabby – In memory of my Gabby who we lost on Oct. 19. I miss her everyday. She was over 12 with severe arthritis but would never let it stop her from having fun. A graceful lady in heaven now.

Charlie – 2014

Dudley – August 20      Eight years ago, our family adopted our Dudley (f/k/a Chester) from CBR.  It was with great sadness that we had to put Dudley down in August.  He had been diagnosed with an aggressive case of lymphoma.  As you can imagine, our home is not the same without him.  While we miss Dudley terribly – and we certainly know that we cannot replace him – we hope that we would be able to welcome another furry friend in need of a loving home into our lives.

Bruiser – 2014   One of our new fosters suddenly developed bloat and was not able to undergo surgery because of his advanced heartworms and he crossed the Bridge today 8/31. His foster family was already quite attached after a couple days and they miss this silly boy that was full of life!

Ace – 2012 – 6/18/14     It is with a heavy heart that I am writing this email to you guys. Back in August 2012 I adopted “Ace, one of Maggie’s puppies, through your rescue. Unfortunately and very unexpectedly, Ace passed away on June 18, 2014. Ace had swallowed a piece of one of his toys before I could get it away from him and he ended up with a bowel obstruction. He had surgery and everything went well, but he wasn’t healing as quickly as expected. He started getting really sick again and I found out that one of his internal sutures was leaking and he had developed a septic stomach. He was examined and sent into a second surgery to fix the problem, but he was too sick and too weak to make it through it. 

I wanted to let you guys know what had happened because you gave me such a huge part of my life. Ace was my best friend in the entire world and meant everything to me. We went everywhere together and he helped me explore Wilmington. We went to the dog park daily, spent a lot of time enjoying the sun and surf at the beach, and hit up every pet store in the area. His favorite thing in the entire world was to cuddle up next to me and even right on top of me. His was definitely a lap dog, despite being a whopping 65 lbs. He put a smile on my face everyday, even in the worst of times. He was the happiest, loving, little puppy ever and I am so grateful he was a part of my life.

I just wanted to thank you guys for bringing him into my life. This is an email I thought I would never have to write and it breaks my heart to do so. 

Kaylie – 2014      We got Kaylie just after we got married in 2001. After 3 houses, 2 kids and 12 1/2 years, we had to let her go. She was the heart of our house and I miss her every single day.

Maggie – July 2014      My husband and I adopted Maggie in Fall of 2003 from CBR.  We recently lost her a few weeks ago. She has been a loving family dog, and my 2 children, ages 7 and 9, have grown up with her.  She is greatly missed and will forever be a part of our family!

Duchess II –  7/14/14  Here is Duchess II in her prime. She was born 7-16-2001 and passed this past Monday. She was the Queen Bee of the house. She showed the boys here she was in charge by licking their ears. The boys didn’t mind at all. It is not the same here without her. We got her when she was 8 weeks old and shortly after that we joined CBR. We will miss her for sure.

Cybil – 7/19/14   It is with sad heart I must let everyone know that Foster Cybil crossed over the Bridge earlier this afternoon.  She was taken to the ER vet last night with complications and after much bloodwork, xrays and other tests, it was determined she was in such an advanced state of heartworm disease that she was beyond treatment of any kind.  The doctor I spoke with said it was the worst case she had seen in all of her years of being a vet.   She had become septic form the infection and this affected other areas of her system. 

This is just another reminder why all of us need to keep our pets up to date on their heartworm treatment.    Hugs your nubs tonight and say a little prayer for her that Cybil is now at peace and able to run free without any issues anymore.

 Boxer nub wiggles,   Cricket Poston, Director

Marigold – 7/7/14   Marigold was a CBR foster dog.. 

“Sadly, Dr. Wages and I determined that it was time for Marigold to die, before she was in pain.  I had been thinking all weekend that I’d let the three of us (Marigold, HoneyBear, her furfriend, and I) have the July 4th weekend, and on Monday I would ask the vet for more information about possible signs of when it was her time to die.

She played like her old self for about a scattered 1/2 with a 7 month old smaller puppy (her favorite kind!) on Saturday evening, but by Sunday morning/evening, she obviously was not doing well:  she would eat, throw up immediately, and then throw up a few hours afterwards, too!  Her back legs weren’t working as well, and she even had trouble making it up the ramp to the bed last night. She didn’t want any breakfast Monday morning, although I finally persuaded her to eat a tiny bit of yogurt and an alligator treat — but she then threw part of that up as well.

I called Dr. Wages at CareFirst Animal Hospital, and we decided that 11:30 AM today would be best. So HoneyBear, Marigold, and I went to meet Donna, her petsitter, at CareFirst so that all the people who loved her the most could say goodbye to her towards the end. Dr. Wages put in a catheter;  I and HoneyBear had a few minutes with Marigold — and she ate the treats that the vet provided!  So she had some good last treats.  Then Dr. Wages injected a sedative, while I sat on the floor with her as she went to sleep — and then Dr. Wages injected the death serum, and she died.

I’m grateful for the peaceful way she was able to leave us;  it helped that she was able to play with Linux, the puppy, and that Marigold was able to eat a few treats before she went to sleep and that she couldn’t feel anything afterwards.  I, too, would like to die like that . . . .

We all will miss her silly, goofy, boxer-twirling ways, her insistence on being a velcro boxer even with a cone on her head, and her loving presence in the world”    Carroll- Foster Mom

 Ginny – 5/28/14   We are grateful for the 12 years and 4 months that we had our cherished Ginny in our lives.  In those years, she showed that we were the reason for her being by the way she rested against our bodies, greeted us at the door with a toy, and nudged our bedside to be fed at 5 a.m.  She was also an adoring sister to two of our male boxers who we rescued–Buckeye (now deceased) and Denison (a CBR adoption).  We will never forget our precious Ginny.  She gave us so much comfort  and joy!

 Princess Morgan 2/16/03 – 4/2/14 – who filled our hearts and home with so much joy.  We’ll never forget her tap dancing performance every time we came home, her uncontrollable excitement at the mention of Grandma & Grandpa, her sweet demeanor and infinite patience with Kitty, how she liked to follow you everywhere – even to the bathroom.  We miss you everyday sweet girl

Leila 2/11/11 – 1/10/14  Every day we miss you so much. We still can’t believe you had to leave us so soon! You grabbed our hearts from the moment we met you and you still have then today. We wish we could have seen you in your first snow. We can only laugh at how you would have been. Bouncing like a deer! Dear sweet girl, Happy 3rd Birthday in Heaven.
Love you more always, mommy, daddy, peanut, nick & monkey.
PS: Today Zoe chased her tail, just like you use to do.

Elcee – 2/23/14    I had the privilege of knowing sweet Elcee and her owner for over 7 years. She was on my top 5 list of favorite patients in my 10 year career as a veterinarian. I’m gonna miss that little girl. Rest in Peace sweet Elcee.

Kanobi – 2/24/14  Kanobi you will always be our first pet, our third child, our protector over our children and house and our best and most loyal friend we will ever have. You were there when Chad and I could not be to watch our children, love them, protect them, play with them and teach them another meaning of love. I will always be eternally grateful to you for allowing Hunter Barnette to experience parenthood and preparing him to be the wonderful, loving father he is to your brother and sister. Our love for you is like no other and will never be replaced. Peace be with you Big Boi Kanobi Barnette.

BASIL  February 16, 2014

My beautiful boxer boy Basil passed yesterday, Sunday, February 16, after a brave fight with lung cancer. He enjoyed the snow last week, and came in grinning mischievously after eating as much as he could. Basil had many good times in the last 4 months after he was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the vets at Veterinary Specialty Hospital took great care of him.  Basil first came to me as a foster on Feb 12, 2009, and later I adopted him. He gave me and Cherokee so much love. We will miss him so much!

–Emily, CBR Voluntee

ROXIE –January 2014

Roxie was adopted from CBR in 2006 by Mary and Donald Frericks.  She was loved and spoiled for 8 wonderful years.  Roxie will be missed…

Cooper Devaney – O’Neill  – 7/13 – 4/14  

This memorial has been made in the memory of Cooper who was a bright and shining star at K9 Cabana.  Cooper, you touched our hearts like none other! Sadly, your life was too short but you brightened so many lives in so little time.  You had a face and personality that will be forever in our hearts and minds.  

All your buddies miss you!

We Love and miss you,  “Our Sweet Boy Coopie!”

K9 Cabana and Staff