Casey – CBR Alum 12/22/19: It is with a heavy heart that CBR Foster Casey has crossed the rainbow bridge. Please keep her foster family in your prayers.

Jon Snow – CBR Alum 12/22/19: *** a post I just made in honor of Jon Snow who passed away last night in both his Daddy’s arms ***

3.5 years ago we fostered our first foster-dog through Carolina Boxer Rescue. And when I say ‘we fostered’ – I mean I made the executive decision while my husband was in the field and he came home to a 3rd dog (that’s me!)

When I picked Jon Snow (the name I decided he had to have) up from the shelter in Charlotte, he was covered in fleas, anxious, smelly and had a large tumor hanging off his side. He had skin lesions indicative of living on concrete most of his life and walked with a slight sideways limp. I was scared to bring him home to my two boxer babies who had lived an otherwise charmed life. I was afraid of dog fights, resentment and that they wouldn’t get along.

After a vet visit, we learned Jonny had a long road ahead of heartworm treatment and a tumor removal. He was sick and uncomfortable. But the first night, all he wanted to do was be close to me. He slept in a crate in another room for a few nights and protested like a big moose was in the house. After the 2nd night, I let him sleep in our room next to me on his fluffy bed and he was the happiest snoring baby around rolling around with his legs in the air. He acted as if he had never had his own bed or seen toys. They brought him pure joy.

We learned very quick that he got along fabulously with our two boxers (although sometimes he and Duke liked to get upset over food). He began to come out of his shell, eat, gain weight and even play in the backyard with our boxers. He had a little crate dance he would do when we came home and he was always so excited to see us. He and our two became a ‘pack’ and did everything together. He was HAPPY. So happy .He stole our hearts so quickly and became the best little snuggle buddy for us and our two boxers.

We had Jonny 4 months with absolutely zero interested adopters. One came and it didn’t work out. At one point, we were going to have to give him to another foster home to try a different route to adoption and I was so close to signing his adoption papers because I couldn’t bare to lose this love bug.

And then it happened- I got a message from a friend who was interested in adopting Jonny after we had fostered him for 6 months. A friend who has an incredible heart, beautiful home and would give Jonny such a beautiful life. I cried tears of joy and cried even harder the day I took him to his new home.

But then something magical happened- Jonny found his first REAL home. He learned about unconditional love, trips to the beach, copious amounts of treats, birthdays and endless snuggles. He had won the JACKPOT with his new family. They had lost their 15 year old dog months before and Jonny was healing their hearts.

Yesterday, after almost exactly 3 years of loving Jon Snow, they had to say goodbye to their sweet boy after seizures that never stopped. They are devastated and heartbroken and I am right along with them.

As I’ve looked through photos all day of our time with Jonny and the incredible life he’s had over the last 3 years, I think – WOW what an incredible 2nd chance at life he’s had. What a gift he gave his family of pure unconditional love. What a gift they gave him of pure unconditional love. He may never have had that life had they not taken the chance.

What a LEGACY he has left on my heart to continue to pay it forward to help other dogs in need. I think of how many dogs never make it out of the shelter and how many need to be saved. That’s Jonny’s legacy. That’s our sweet Daisy girls legacy we lost last October – to continue to pay it forward and help other dogs in need.

In honor of Jonny and his family, I’m asking for donations to Carolina boxer rescue- the same rescue that helped Jonny and thousands of other dogs have a new life. The same rescue we adopted our sweet Duchess from. The holiday season is hard on many- but every $1 helps with food, transport to our incredible foster and forever homes and medical care for these fur babies.

Thank you Jon Snow for changing my heart. For helping me learn to love unconditionally, for helping me not be afraid of taking chances, for helping me to see there’s always more love to give and that my heart can grow. You will forever be in my heart and your amazing family’s. They loved you so much and always will ❤️?

Take a chance ?

Moses – CBR Alum 12/21/19:Please keep the family in your prayers….

It is with a heavy heart that I send this email. Moses crossed the bridge yesterday. His kidneys had been failing and the vet and I decided once he got to a certain point we would not let him suffer.

He came to CBR in such a state of anxiety that he had to be trapped. He was on medication to help him adjust to normal household living. My how he grew and adjusted so well once he had some love!

He was such a good and funny dog, in the 6 years we had him he only barked 3 times that I can remember. It didn’t take long and he was off any medication for stress. He learned to play and his best fur friend was a cat. He never did adjust to linoleum so I never worried about him getting in the trash or the kitchen, haha. He was gentle with everyone he ever met.

Moses may have had a hard start in life but he ended well and much loved. He will be missed terribly

Chikki – CBR Clum 12/16/19: Chikki was the sweetest little pocket Boxer. She was a joy to care for. She loved everything and every body. My family and I all miss her so much. I only had Chikki a very short time but she brought joy into my life that had been missing for a long time since I lost my beloved Husband John and my beloved Boxer Dolly within 6 months of each other. Chikki needed a lot of care. I loved every minute of Loving and caring for her. she filled the hole I’d had in my heart. I will never forget her and all she brought to my life.

*Donation made in her honor.

Loki – CBR Alum 12/5/19: The Thompson family is utterly heartbroken to let you know that Loki passed away in the early hours this morning. He was rushed to the emergency vet with a sudden onset of vomiting last night. We learned that he had bloat with a twisted stomach. Due to his underlying heart issues, multiple tests and labs were done and it was determined that he was not able to have surgery as he would not make it thru. Our family spent hours with him and held him as he left the physical world. We loved Loki from his boxer farts to his pimp walk. We will always be grateful for the 3 years we had with him but tonight home is not the same and we are all devastated. Thank you CBR for saving him and allowing us to give him all the love he deserved. Here are a few of our favorite pictures.
-Napoleon, Denise, Lauren and Zeus (fur brother)

Izzy – CBR Alum 12/4/19: I lost my sweet Izzy today. I adopted her from CBR 12 years ago. She has been the joy in my life ever since. It’s been a sad few days but I take comfort in knowing she had a great 12 years & is no longer in pain. Thanks for all you do. I made a donation in her honor to say ❤️. Pics of day 1 & day 4,440(ish)
-Leatherman Family

Rojo – CBR Alum 12/2/19: Rojo had a brain tumor and we had been treating him for seizures for the last couple of months. He had a real bad one earlier this afternoon…I got him to the vet as quickly as I could. They gave him more meds and even with those, he never really stopped seizing. He went real quickly and the girls and I were there with him the entire time. He was such a GOOD BOY! Never ever have we been blessed with such a great guy. And we have had a few goodies. Anyhow…we wanted to let you know and to also thank you for letting us be a part of his life. Now he is with Sadie and crew. And Sadie is sayin “WTF?” right about now.
-Lisa Nielsen

Ace – CBR Foster 11/26/19: It’s with a heavy heart to pass along that sweet foster Ace has crossed the rainbow bridge. His heartworms were so extensive that his belly was fluid overloaded, his platelets were at a critical level that wouldn’t even allow the fluid to be drained and his heart and arteries were so dilated. It’s because of CBR that these pups get to experience the love they so deserve. That’s the beauty of matter how much humans have wronged them, they open their hearts to us without reservation or baggage. Truly Gods gift ❤️

Shorty – CBR Foster 11/18/19: Rest easy, we hope you have found some comfort and peace.

Klaus – CBR Alum 10/29/19: We would once again like to thank the family of Klaus, who recently passed away. His family gave a VERY generous donation to CBR in his memory. Because of them, we are able to help so many more Nubs. Fly high sweet Klaus! Rest easy knowing that you are saving so many fellow Nubs ❤️?

Brutus & Dozer CBR Alum 10/28/19: Please keep the Horne family in your thoughts and prayers. Her hero Dozer 8/23/19 and sweet boy Brutus 10/28/19.

Trixie and Tyson – 10/26/19: we adopted him from you in December 2008, he died in November 2014. We got Trixie March 2014 and as you know she just died. We loved them both and he truly loved her always laying with her. ♥️
Obviously Trixie is the one with the pink collar.

We’re so sorry for your loss Salottolo family!

Mulligan – CBR Alum 10/21/19: Mulligan had spondylosis and hip dysplasia and has been having trouble recently. My best guess is he had a stroke, he didn’t seem to be in pain and I sat/laid with him thinking I would take him to the vet this morning – he took some deep breaths and died. We are devastated and miss him so much.

Ollie – CBR Alum 10/18/19: Ollie aka Oliver Edwards has crossed the bridge. Please keep the Edwards family in your thoughts and prayers.

Toby – CBR Alum 10/16/19: It is with a sad heart that we just found out that one of our longtime CBR alums has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Run Free sweet Toby.

Eddie – Hospice Foster 10/6/19: Please keep the Fantini family in your thoughts and prayers. Hospice Foster Eddie passed away after being with them for over a year. Eddie was the sweetest thing with the cutest face.

Cody – CBR Alum 9/16/19: Please keep the Walston family in your thoughts and prayers. CBR alum Cody died unexpectedly in his sleep. He was 6 years old and was adopted five years ago. Cody’s family shared these photos of this handsome boy, including one from one of our calendar photo shoots.

Lucille – CBR Alum 9/12/19: I’m so sorry to share that my sweet former foster Lucille passed away unexpectedly today. She was recently adopted by a lady who loved her dearly. Lucille apparently had a bad heart, and it gave out on her without warning. It may have been from her obesity. Run free, sweet Lucy. ???

Bull – CBR Hospice Foster 9/10/19: Seven Months and Five Days…..I am sad to say that we lost Bull this morning. He crossed peacefully in the living room in mine and my husbands arms. It was a long journey and he fought hard, but in the end all of the obstacles were too much for him. When he first arrived at our house we weren’t sure he would even make it through the night, but he was a fighter and we were right there with him. While he was never a dog that ran zoomies or even jumped up and boxed in typical fashion, he tried. Wether it was flinging our shoes across the living room, or waving his front paw at you when you got home from work he always let you know he knew he was loved. We always hope they will live forever, but we know that just can’t be the case. My husband, daughter and I are all proud of the journey that we had and take peace knowing he was surrounded with love and family when it was his time. 

Beckett – 8/15/19: Our sweet boy Beckett – our 11 year old Boxer who passed away last week, we loved him so much. Beloved Beckett gave so much to the family and while he left our lives he will never leave our hearts.
A donation was made in the honor of Beckett.

Clemson – CBR Alum 8/16/19: Prayers for Clemson’s family….I wanted to reach out and let you know that our beautiful Clemson passed away at 3am this morning. We are so grateful to have been able to love and care for her even for a short time. She brought so much love and happiness to our family and we will miss her terribly. I mourn for the horrible life she had before she was in CBR’s care and then ours. I celebrate the wonderful life she had at last in the final part of her life. And I’m at peace knowing she is in Heaven – healed and happy. Thank you for all you do for dogs in need. ❤️

Jack – CBR Foster 8/12/19: Please join us in sending condolences to the foster family and community who love foster JACK…he was helped to the bridge this afternoon when it became apparent that the neglect he suffered prior to rescue had resulted in end stage kidney failure. He was under 3 years old… we are so grateful he knew great love from children and adults… run free big boy… you were so loved ?

This is his favorite spot on our boat looking over Charleston Harbor

Tater – CBR Alum 8/9/19: CBR alum Tater said goodbye today.. To go an be with Belv I suppose.. It seems a twisted fate to have them both go so close together. Tater was a special case from day 1. I loved her still an tried every available option an med to help her. She will be missed. She could always get you to laugh at those crazy faces she made, or when she would kiss you so hard it hurt.. She didn’t seem to know her own power. I feel a lil lost, but will try to focus on the happy times she had when she wasn’t sick.

Marcus – CBR Alum 8/8/19: This morning I lost my Marky boy. He held on longer than we thought he would after finding out he was ate up with cancer this past April. I am so thankful I got to have him after he was neglected by two different families. I hope I made his last year the best he’s ever had. I hope you’re running around with strong legs buddy and eating as much as you want. RIP Marcus, you will always have a piece of my heart.?

Kassie – CBR Alum 8/5/19: Please join us in sending condolences to Kassie family as Kassie has crossed the rainbow bridge. run free Kassie…

Tank – CBR Foster 8/5/19: Please join us in sending condolences to the fosters of TANK. He had to be humanely euthanized due to neurological issues that made him dangerous to people and animals alike…. run free tank… we know God has a big ole bowl of snacks waiting for you…

Buddy – CBR Alum 7/25/19: I am so sad to write that Buddy has crossed the rainbow bridge! He gave it his all and for 10 years was my dog. I rescued him when he was 4 or 5. He was so regal and loving. He lasted a year after being diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy which was amazing. The time had come and we were both ready to end his struggles. I loved him with all my heart! RIP my special furbaby

Lexy – CBR Alum 7/23/19: We want to thank you for bringing Lexy into our lives and going to bat for us 4 ½ years ago when we wanted to adopted “SweetPea”.  You and CBR did such a great job with the perfect match- she with us and us with her.  We are completely heartbroken to tell you we had to help her cross over the rainbow bridge last week.  She gave us so much love and so many laughs we can’t thank you enough.  I can not tell you how hard this is to write and how much we miss her. 

Sweetie Pie – CBR Foster 7/18/19: Today started out with a smile and ended in tears . I got to meet my sweet first foster today. She had no name and I decided to call her Sweetie Pie. Upon her arriving at hospital she was so sweet and stole me and my coworkers hearts and I looked forward to giving her story a happy ending. Sadly upon her exam we noticed her hip was painful and something was not right. We did X-rays and she had cancer and it was spread and very much advanced. She was in a lot of discomfort and pain and the kind thing to do was to help her cross the rainbow bridge . She spent her last day surrounded with wonderful people who gave lots of love and kisses . She’s got her wings and is in no pain running with all the other sweethearts. I’m heartbroken but I know she knew someone loved her if even for a day.

Autumn – CBR Alum 7/17/19: Please keep Autumn’s family in your thoughts…
We took Autumn to the vet on Tuesday afternoon. My beautiful girl was diagnosed with cancer and due to the aggressiveness, given 30-60 days to live. The vet told me how the end would be and I was not going to let her suffer, so I elected to have her put to sleep. She went very peacefully in my arms.
I am so thankful for the three years we had each other. She had such a beautiful soul, which I saw the first day I met her.

Kioti – CBR Hospice Foster 7/17/19: Please keep the Wallace family in your prayers as they are having to send foster Kioti to the Rainbow Bridge. Kioti, your time was short with CBR but your love was huge from your foster home and all of us!

Ida – CBR Alum 7/13/19: We had to say good bye to Ida this morning. From 4:30 yesterday afternoon til 10 am this morning, she had 11 seizures. She couldn’t keep her balance and stumbling when she walked. The emergency vet said it was common in older boxers to have them. They could give her medicine to help, but not eliminate them. She fell out of a chair twice when she was having them and since we have no one to be with her all day while we are work and considering her quality of life as it is, that we should say good bye. I did my very best to spoil her as best I could in the time we had with her.
-Bozarth Family

Gizmo – CBR Alum 7/10/19: I am crushed to have to say we lost Gizmo on Wednesday night. He was a model patient but ultimately lost his battle with IMHA, all the drugs used to treat it, and whatever unidentified underlying condition that may have kicked it off. His blood count was so low that I knew he would be in bad shape in the morning, so he shared a yummy chicken dinner with Otis, as well as some snuggle time, then went to the vet. Otis is bewildered but is hanging in there.

Thank you for bringing these two treasures into my life. Gizmo was the clever one who would ring the potty bell to get alone time with me when Otis would run out the door. I was scared of him at first, when he would stand on the back of the couch and bark at me, but he turned out to be the leaner, the soft snuggler, the one who gave me love rather than demanding it from me.
-Colleen Meffert

Bruce – CBR Foster 7/9/19: It is with a heavy heart that I have to share with you all our tragic loss today. Bruce has crossed the rainbow bridge and now runs free relieved of his suffering.
I rest easy tonight knowing that CBR saved this sweet boy from the shelter so that we could provide him with a foster home and family to live out his last few days in comfort and surrounded by love ?
This sweet sweet guy touched my soul and heart from the moment he got in my vehicle and I wished for nothing more then to see him living his best life but he was dealt a bad card so all we could do was to give him the best few days we could.
It’s been emotional but I wouldn’t change it for the world, I’m glad I got to be part of Bruces memories.

Bailey – CBR Alum 7/3/19: We’re very sad to say that today we said goodbye to Bailey. She came to CBR at 11 years old and spent a few months with a great foster. We then adopted her in January 2018. Her senior blood panel in April was good, and we were hoping to celebrate her 14th birthday this Fall.

Unfortunately, she started to decline and was dealing with DM, and based on initial tests, likely cancer. This photo was from her calendar photo shoot in Spring 2018. Because of arthritis, she rarely sat, and preferred to stand or lay. Matt Ryan, the photographer, captured this moment when she was actually sitting, and I think she looks like a great ambassador for CBR in this shot. She did win the month of April in the 2019 calendar with her Easter photo, so we’re glad she was featured.

While she was not in our home for much of her life, she was a very special part of our family. We will miss her. RIP sweet Bailey.

Rousey – CBR Alum 6/22/19: So very sorry for their loss…they definitely didnt fail her.”
My heart is absolutely shattered. I feel like we completely failed her. CBR Alum Rousey passed away tonight, the doctor did everything that he could. She took a box of medicine off the counter and chewed up the box and ingested the pills. We called Animal Poison Control and took her to the Emergency Vet. It happened in just a matter of hours. We tried and they tried to save her. I’m so very sorry that we failed. She was my girl, oh god, she was my girl……

Brody – CBR Alum 6/12/19: Brody developed a brain/spinal tumor that affected him drastically. We had no clue or warning that it had developed. We took care of him until it got to the point it would have been selfish to keep him here with us. He got to the point that he could no long walk and maintain his rear legs, nor would he eat or drink. You could tell he was tired of that point and he was out of energy to fight any more. We had tried everything possible for him. He was always happy, content, and rather spoiled here. I stayed with him the entire time he was sick and until he was running free across the rainbow bridge. He laid in my lap and was as peaceful as he was sleeping every night next to me. I miss him tremendously and wish I could have him back. He was truly a blessing to our family.

Jackson – CBR Alum 6/13/19: It is with a heavy heart that I email you that Jackson has crossed the rainbow bridge. He had two seizures Tuesday and even with meds he was still having seizures. He was blind this morning after being in an almost comatose state yesterday if he wasn’t having a seizure or tremor. Our hearts are broken and I have snoozed CBR on facebook for 30 days. I just cannot look at those faces right now my grief is to raw right now. I cannot believe he is gone so soon and so fast. Thank you for the opportunity to have this moment of time with him. He was the most special dog! 

Sarge – CBR Alum 6/10/19: It is with a heavy heart that My Buddy Sarge aka Sargie Boy has crossed the rainbow bridge.  Unfortunately he had cancer of the pancrese and there was nothing more we could do for him, I couldn’t stand the thought of him being in pain or suffering but it was the hardest thing I have had to do. My vet thinks that he was 13 or 14 years old. I have attached pictures of him of when we first got him and a picture of him last week.  He was the best, so kind, loving and gentle and I miss him so very much.  Thank you for bringing him into our lives he will never be forgotten.

Mavis (Mama) – CBR Hospice Foster 6/4/19: Sweet CBR foster MAVIS(was MAMA) lost her battle with heart failure this morning and passed in her sleep. She was four years old. We implore you to be realistic about your lifestyle and financial means. If you cannot provide prevention and wellness appointments for a animal please don’t get one.

Rocky – CBR Foster 6/1/19: Sweet Rocky has crossed the bridge….Please send prayers to her foster home.

Mila – CBR Alum 5/28/19: Please join us in sending condolences to family of MILA adopted from CBR in 2012 as she crossed the bridge this morning… run free sweet girl! We adopted Mila from you guys in August of 2012. I can honestly say that we couldn’t have picked a sweeter dog. You may remember her from being the one that was burned with acid when she was younger. We picked her up from ya’ll at a event at the Tractor Supply in Fayetteville. I wanted to let you guys know that she passed peacefully in our arms this morning. Thank you for providing us with such a wonderful dog.❤️

Duncan – CBR Alum 5/26/19: Duncan was adopted in 2008, his adopters loved him so. Rest In Peace Duncan ?
I just wanted to let you know that Duncan left us yesterday. His health had deteriorated over the last month and he let us know it was time. Liz and I both were so appreciative of CBR and the work you did rescuing our sweet little boy. Our hearts were filled with his love the last 11 1/2 years.

T-Bone – CBR Alum 5/26/19: Approximately 3 years ago we rescued a 6 yr old boxer from this rescue. He has brought our family so much joy. Yesterday t- bone passed away. I know he lived his life to the fullest these past 3 years. We are going to miss him. T-bone on the left and Remi on the right were best buddies.
Please keep TBONES family in your prayers… run free big boy?

Jesse Cassidy – CBR Alum 1/31/19: Please keep the family in your prayers as Jesse crossed the rainbow bridge.

Belvedere – CBR Alum 5/21/19: Today was the last jeep ride for Belv… His last barking at squirrels.. His last time of hearing me tell him what a pretty boy he was an that he was my boy… The last time being called Big Papa… The last time of him stepping in the shower to see why I was still in there. The last time he offered his head for the head rubs he loved so good.. He was a awesome senior an I loved him more than I can explain in words. He was a best friend I never knew I needed… He was the calm to storms that intruded into my life.. He may have came from Carolina Boxer Rescue, but maybe he rescued me.. I will miss him every minute… An would have given anything to have fixed his cancer..

Holly – CBR Alum 5/20/19: We had to say Goodbye to our precious Holly this morning. She was pulled from a shelter in 2009 by CBR. We were asked to foster her and she never made it from our home. She won our Hearts at hello. We love you Holly…our hearts are broken. Run free sweetheart.

Maxie – CBR Alum 5/16/19: Maxie was a great dog!  My husband was never as close to any of our other dogs as he was to Maxie.  We repeatedly talked about how lucky we got.  Everywhere we went, people would stop and pet him and say how beautiful he is.  He was warm and affectionate and a joy to be around. He was in good health at his passing, and weighed a healthy 64 pounds.

His favorite thing to do in Florida was chase chameleons on his walks.  He finally caught one and didn’t know what to do with it, so I had to put the poor thing out of his misery.  He would try to follow squirrels up the tree, and he would stare at them for as long as I would let him, looking like a statue. I would finally drag him away.

He loved being in Highlands.  He would wander up the very long driveway and poop (usually 2 or 3 times) in the woods on the dead-end, and race back as fast as he could to the front door.  He also loved biting the garbage can wheels on the whole way up the long driveway when we dragged it out.    He even got to fly on an airplane four times, and he was soooo good!  He would stand or sit and stare out the cockpit.  He was truly fascinated with the world around him.

We will always love Maxie and think of him fondly.  I have a little hole in my heart.  We still feel lucky to have spent this time with him.  

Best to you all,

Rachel and Jeff

Apollo – CBR Alum 5/7/19: Apollo crossed the rainbow bridge on 05/07/2019. Apollo was goofy, funny, loving and extremely loyal to his human family. While he will be deeply missed by all who loved him, fond memories of him will warm his family’s hearts always. Fowler family: you are in our thoughts and prayers in the days and weeks to come as you mourn the loss of your beloved fur baby.

Remy – CBR Alum 5/2/19: Our prayers go out to Remy’s family… I adopted Remy the summer of 2012 from CBR. He brought so much joy into my life for the past 7 years. I just wanted to let the organization know that he crossed the rainbow bridge today. He had carcinoma that metastasized and caused him to have an unstoppable GI bleed. My heart is just broken, but I’m so grateful for the time I had with him. Thank you for all that you do for these special dogs and for bringing Remy into my life. I hope to provide a loving home to another CBR dog soon. This is my favorite picture of Remy. Thank you so much. He truly was the light of my life

Marley – CBR Hospice Foster 5/2/19: Please keep Ashley Rogers and her family in your prayers today as they had to say goodbye to their sweet foster Marley. ??

Lola – CBR Alum 5/1/19: Please keep the family of CBR alum Lola (reverse brindle) in your prayers as she has crossed the rainbow bridge….

Archie – CBR Hospice Foster 4/24/19: Hospice foster Archie has crossed the bridge. We would like to thank NCSU for assessing him for their clinical trial on sarcomas. Please keep his AWESOME foster in your thoughts and prayers….sadly his foster dad who adored him was deployed when he crossed but his loving foster mom was with him….

Joe Boxer – CBR Alum 4/16/19: 3 years ago I pulled a boxer from Hoke Co Animal Shelter named Joe Boxer. He was the sweetest dog whose canine teeth were ground down flat from his previous owner. I fostered him and he got the best home with a great family and 2 kids. They just messaged me to say that he passed away yesterday at age 7 from a pretty aggressive form of cutaneous lymphoma.

Rylee – CBR Alum 4/15/19: I’m sad to say that my sweet girl Rylee has peacefully gone off to a better place this morning. 
This girl has been with me for many years and has been through more life challenges and heartache with me than you can imagine. Through it all, she never changed, never judged me and never stopped loving me. As humans, we could really learn something by watching the way dogs love. We’d be so much better off for it!  2006-2019

Macy – CBR Hospice Foster 4/7/19: The queen of the diaper brigade ,CBR foster MACEY, has headed up to the great buffet in the sky… I have no doubt she will be watching judge Judy diaperless up in heaven… run wild and pain free my love… it was a honor and privilege to care for you the last 7months??

Maggie – CBR Foster 4/4/19: Sweet senior foster Maggie has crossed the bridge….Please send prayers to her foster home

Corby – CBR Foster 3/29/19: Corby has crossed the rainbow bridge. He was too far gone that vet said it was kindest thing to do. Thank you to his wonderful foster home that took him in for such a short time. Run free sweet boy! You were loved in the end……

Anna – CBR Alum 3/22/19: It is with great sadness that I write to let you know we had to let sweet Anna go today.  She had been diagnosed about 2 months ago with something called Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM).  It was causing the muscles in her head to shrink.  This was being controlled with an antibiotic and prednisone and she was doing very well, until 4am this morning when she lost the use of her left side.  Everything went, the side of her mouth, the vision in her left eye, her legs.  She tried to stand early this morning but would just collapse.  We had to wait till 2pm to see the vet and as the day went on she just went further and further downhill till she didn’t even try to stand and by the time we got to the vet her other side was starting to fail…  The vet felt there was probably a tumor somewhere also playing into this.  So we let her run across the bridge. (after she had a chocolate Klondike bar, courtesy of the vet and her staff) 

Please know the short 2 years we had with her were absolutely wonderful – for us and for her! Whatever her life was before I hope we made up for it in the brief time we had.  She was an absolute joy to have with us, so very calm, pleasant and happy all the time.  We appreciate all that you do for boxers, if not for you we would never have known this sweet girl.  As for now, we are heartbroken.  But time will heal our pain and we will reach out to you again with hopes we can be there for another boxer in need.

Sincerely,  Butch & Cindy Colbert

Mr. Frosty – CBR Foster 3/13/19: God gives us so many blessings during our lifetime. Some of these blessings go unnoticed and some make an immeasurable impact on our lives. Two and a half years ago I was asked to foster a 12 year old boxer boy. I doubt anyone thought that at 14 and 1/2 he would still be here with me. Today I had to make a very hard unselfish decision to help him receive his Angel Wings. God knows he was an Angel in my eyes from the first day I saw his precious face. I knew he would be a Boyd very soon after he came. Mr. Frosty was a celebrity at my house. Everyone knew him and he was asked about all the time. He stole my heart❤️. I know we will be together again but until then he will be deeply missed. Sure do love and miss you Mr. Frosty. Hope you are eating spaghetti and ice cream with all of your new found friends. Make sure they know to hand feed you every bite.

Please keep Mr. Frosty’s family in your prayers….

Carolina Boxer Rescue is proud to offer the posthumous adoption of Mr. Frosty to our Foster home extraordinaire, Stacy Boyd. Run free Frosty!

Graham Cracker – CBR Alum 3/11/19: Graham Cracker came to us as a hungry, broken 10 year old man. He was the best friend of Eugene and Hannah Clark. He was not the typical boxer though as he didn’t drool. He loved everyone he met. He only wanted to be petted in return. Thank you Carolina Boxer Rescue for allowing us to be a part of his life.
– The Clark Family

Sweetie – CBR Alum 3/9/19: We had to put our sweet senior alum Sweetie down yesterday. While we are at peace with the decision because she let us know it was time, we still miss her terribly. She developed ascites over the past week and she was very uncomfortable. The vet believed she had a mass bleeding out and said we could confirm with an ultrasound, however we knew we were not going to put our sweet girl through abdominal surgery. 

Sweetie was the perfect addition to our family. Her favorite times of the day were breakfast and dinner, but she also loved spending evenings with us snoozing in our laps and keeping her fur brother Cooper company. She loved all people and animals and never met a stranger that she didn’t greet with a wagging tail.  She left permanent paw prints on our hearts and, as the saying goes, if love could have saved her she would have lived forever. We will always cherish the time we had with her, and know she knew unconditional love and happiness during the time she shared with us.

Thank you CBR for uniting us nearly 3 years ago. 
Rest in peace Sweetie. The Allens

Toby – CBR Foster 3/7/19: Sweet Toby has crossed the rainbow bridge. Please keep his foster family in your thoughts.

Hazel – CBR Alum 3/4/19: As I wake up this morning my house and heart feel an emptiness I can’t put into words. Yesterday we said goodbye to Hazel, my sweet beautiful senior that stole my heart and changed my life. Her body failed her and we knew it was time. We filled her last days with amazing love including a visit by her other mommy Mindy Hall Bradshaw and some very special love yesterday by Betty-Dawn Safrit Ingram who was by my side loving her with me as we said goodbye with Dr. Kidwell who cried with us and grieved the loss of such an amazing and beautiful soul that honestly stole a huge piece of all of our hearts. My sweet Hazel is free now from all her infections and hurt, and I will always be grateful I was given the blessing of being her mommy. Run free my beautiful girl! 

Nana – CBR Hospice Foster 2/25/19: Please keep the Dement family in your thoughts. Nana was loved by everyone she met. A sad day. We all loved Nana. She was happy to the end.

Moose – CBR Alum 2/25/19: CBR ALUM MOOSE has crossed the bridge? Heartbroken. Rest in peace my big sweet Moose. We were so very fortunate have had you the last few years. We are going to miss that big wrinkled face so much. ?

Gracie – CBR Alum 2/23/19: Please keep the Augustus family in your thoughts… they lost their sweet Gracie yesterday to cancer. They had less than a year with her, but she lived like a queen during that time

Fletch – CBR Foster 2/23/19: Rest easy, we hope you have found some comfort and peace.

TJ – CBR Foster 2/21/19: TJ crossed the bridge today with his foster family by his side after a long battle with mental demons that no amount of training or other positive methods could help…

Chance – CBR Alum 2/19/19: I adopted Chance through CBR at age 9; he was an owner surrender.  Yesterday he walked over the rainbow bridge, age 14.  He was my first introduction to CBR, and I have enjoyed every moment with him.  Thank you for all you do helping sweet boxers get to good homes.

Kelsey – CBR Alum 2/10/19: Today, Linnie and I sadly said goodby to our sweet boxer girl, Kelsey. She was the bright spot in every day. The joy that we felt each and every time we came home was infectious and her love for us, unwavering. She loved our trips to Beaufort, was at peace when we sat together watching TV and always loved visitors and parties. We will miss her dearly.

A donation has been made in loving memory of Kenneth Harry Warzynski from the Wando High School Faculty and Staff.

Jesse – CBR Alum 1/31/19: February 17, 2008, was a memorable day for us. This was the day we adopted Miles, gave him a forever home, and a new identity by changing his name to Jesse. On January 31, 2019, we had to say goodbye to our beloved Jesse. We knew this day was coming, but still weren’t prepared to face the reality. Our wonderful vet came, giving Jesse a calm peaceful end. When Jesse left this earth, he took a piece of our hearts with him. RIP my sweetness️️?❤️

For eleven years we were fortunate to have Jesse in our lives. He came a long way from a scared, shy, timid guy, to a confident, self assured, gentle soul. Jesse learned to trust, to love, and became a typical boxer. He was full of life, had his individual quirks, thought the world revolved around him, and in our house it did! He walked with pride, had a presence about him, and was dearly loved by all. We miss our old boy, but through our heartache we cherish the joy, the time, and the special memories he gave us. 

Without Carolina Boxer Rescue we never would have had our Jesse. Thank you. 

Terry and Jack Cassidy

Millie – CBR Foster 1/31/19: In August 2018, one of our newest foster homes agreed to foster Sweet Millie. Was she the youngest and healthiest boxer to be a ‘First” foster child? No. But, unselfishly, they agreed to take her in and give her the home life she so deserved. Millie has had quite a few health hurdles, and her foster home has seen her decline, and rally back more than once. They fought FOR HER, with her. Millie is so very lucky to have been given such an open minded and loving “first time” foster home. CBR is so lucky to have homes that will take in the older, and sometimes broken boxers. Today, Millie decided to let her Foster Mom know, that she was ready. She has no fight left to give. Please keep Millie, and Rosemary in your hearts today. While one runs toward the bridge, seeking comfort and peace…the other will have to let go, and face loss. Thank you Rosemary….. for loving her like no one was else was willing, or able to.

Dixie – 1/25/19: Last week I was forced to say goodbye to my sweet Dixie. I shared my life with her for an amazing 12 1/2 years. She was with me through thick and thin… the most loyal and loving dog I could have ever asked for. I will miss her terribly. God showed his grace, however, as she passed peacefully in her sleep without any suffering. Losing 3 dogs in 6 months is an unbearable heartbreak, but I know they are all back together now running free. ❤️

Reba- CBR Hospice Foster 1/26/19: It is with very heavy hearts that we announce our Reba was helped across the Rainbow Bridge today. She was an amazingly loving soul and made us very happy in the time we were allowed with her. The love of a dog is infinite and unconditional and she passed peacefully in my arms. I made a promise and today I made true on that promise. Thanks to everyone who has prayed, donated and supported Reba’s journey you are truly appreciated.

Please send prayers to Hospice Foster Reba’s foster family.

Minnie- CBR Alum 1/18/19: We lost our sweet Minnie today (foster fail, came to us July 1, 2018), Exploratory surgery revealed she had cancer that had spread to many of her vital organs and spine. The only reasonable option was to not wake her up from anesthesia. She only got to enjoy the good life for 6 months after being rescued. She was so happy with us. She was so loved. It wasn’t long enough.

Big Boy- CBR Alum 1/10/19: RIP Big Boy…
“Not such a good morning
We rescue every animal but specifically we foster senior boxers. It inevitably ends up as a foster fail for me. Not a lot of people seem to want to give the time to the old boys and old girls saying things like, I don’t want to lose a dog so soon since they won’t be here that long. I couldn’t agree less. As I add more years to my life, the less the high energy puppies appeal to me. The seniors want nothing more then the slow life good life.
The old boys tend to latch to me. They go with me everywhere. They sleep right next to me. Just two old guys that want to relax without all the drama. So the old guy always becomes MY dog. And in our house of now 3 dogs not 4, everyone seems to have THEIR dog.
Big Boy was a great dog! He came to us with a huge mass on his back (we had it removed right away) and swollen, painful ear hematomas from untreated ear mites. All of the spots on his body that touched the ground when he laid down were calloused from years of being tied up outside. And when the mass on his back burst open his owners had finally had enough and dropped him at the shelter, which is when he came into my life. They always seem to know when they hit the jackpot of living on easy street. He was so gentle. He wouldn’t hurt a fly. Other dogs would test him since he was the biggest and obviously the alpha but he would always stay in his lane. Only fighting back enough to end it but not keep the fight going.
The story I will always remember about Big Boy happened about a month after we got him. Like I said we have 3 other dogs and the matriarch is a spoiled, princess pit-bull named Marley. As soon as there is an open door and Marley gets the chance, she is gone. So one day we went out for about 4 hours in the afternoon. It happened to be a rather windy day, the front door must have been half latched and it blew open. Marley was off like a rocket but the new dog, the old dog was standing inside the house in the doorway when we got home. It was like he was saying, “Are you crazy Pit-bull? This is the best life I have ever had and I am not going anywhere. I’m not messing this up.”
Last night was the first time in my whole life, of all the animals that passed through our doors, where one passed away with me, without a Vet and having to make that decision that is always so hard. I had the feeling it was his time. We slept in my step son’s room together. His breathing was labored. He was up and down and up and down. I laid next to him on his bed for hours. I don’t see dogs cry a lot and maybe it wasn’t tears but it sure looked like he was crying. Maybe he didn’t want to say goodbye, I don’t know. It was like he knew it was his time too. He would get up and stumble and fall and I would carry him back to his bed and calm him down. At 4:30am when I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore I tucked him in one last time. I slid his bed right next to mine and as I lay there watching him, he stared right at me never closing his eyes. I woke up 2 hours later and it was obvious he had just passed, it was so close that I had to double and triple check. But he never left that position and when I opened my eyes he was still staring at me. Not easy but I know he went with the person he loved most next to him. Not tied to a tree….not in some cold kennel….he passed right next to his person.
I love you Big Boy. Like the ones that came before you and the ones that will come after, there is always a spot next to me in my truck for you to take a ride with the windows down and the sun on your face. Yes I am sad but I know it went the best way it could have gone. It is never easy to say goodbye to an old friend. Rest in peace”.

Roscoe- CBR Alum 1/9/19: CBR ALUM Roscoe unexpectedly crossed the Rainbow Bridge this evening. He was the perfect dog for our family. He was an amazing dog and just wanted to be loved. We hope that he knew how much he was loved. Our hearts are heavy because of what he meant to our family. He will forever be in our hearts and will truly be missed.Please join us in sending condolences to his loving family….run free roscoe?

Happy- CBR Alum 1/5/19: My name is Trina Brown, in January 2016 my husband Ken and I adopted a blind boxer named Happy from you. I wanted to let you know that we had to have him put to sleep this morning. In the 3 years we had him he brought our family so much happiness and we we hope we made him happy too. He is painfully missed.

Molly- CBR Alum 1/2/19: It is with an extremely heavy heart I want to let you all know CBR alum Molly was helped to Rainbow Bridge about 1:45 am this morning. From the first moment I met her, picking her up to “babysit” I fell hard in love with her spunky self. How she was adopted previously and returned, I have no idea. She really was the perfect dog. The vets had told me it would likely be just weeks for me to have her, but I truly expected much longer. Zack loved her so much, he tolerated the ramp we put in to make Molly’s potty visits outside easier.