Boomer  April 24, 2013

My precious Boomer went home to Heaven on April 24, 2013, little less than a month before his 6th birthday. Boomer battle with cancer was short, I love and miss him so much. Boomer was a playful and very loving, he was my big baby. When my son brought him home, he had been abused, but in no time he was well and chasing balls and just having fun. We only had him a little less than six years, but he touched our hearts more than any animal ever had. Boomer was very protective.

Helen Hayes


October 10, 2013

We were very fortunate to have Buffy in our lives for almost five years. Fortunately the lady who found her (Ashley) called us instead of taking her to the shelter where she most likely would have been put to sleep because of her health, lack of socialization, and fear of people. After fostering her for over two years we adpoted her. After Mr. Pete and Ms Sassy died (within three months of each other) we leaned on Buffy to fill the void. Despite all her issues she gave us enough love to do just that. Despite her issues she lived life to the fullest, never letting pain or anything slow her down. Along the way she went from being a very shy and unsociable dog to one who enjoyed going to meet and greets and the Boxer Bash. I think Cricket summed her up best when she said “she was an ‘old soul’ and one of those dogs that comes around once in a lifetime.” We miss her dearly but she will be in our thoughts and hearts forever. 

-Barry Kemp

Rylee Valentino Garwood  –10/24/13

Rylee was love and humor and fireworks all rolled up into one package. Please pass this along to CBR. Thanks, Kim

Sir Porkchop

We adopted him from CBR in 2004 and sadly, he passed on Friday, April 13th, 2012–which was easily the worst day of my life. This is a very hard email for me to write, as I still haven’t completely gotten over the loss.

We had a rough start with Porkchop, as he was VERY dog aggressive. At the time, I had another female boxer and a female lab mix which resulted in a lot of chaos!! My female boxer, Rena, passed the following January from a brain tumor. As I mourned her death, Porkchop never left my side and gave me great comfort and I couldn’t have made it through without him. This bonded us more than words and we were stuck together like glue from that moment on. He slept in the bed with me every night, laid beside the bathtub every time I was in it and was just my shadow in general!

A couple years before he passed, I noticed that he started to “knuckle” (dragging the tops of his paws when he walked) and he had a small bb sized lump on his side. After taking him to the vet, he was diagnosed with mast cell tumors. We had the tumor removed and thought all would be well. Slowly, his knuckling got worse and worse and he developed another tumor, which was grade 3. During the surgery to remove this, they noticed that he also had one on the top of his head which could not be completely removed. I was heartbroken, but determined to keep his life as normal as possible.

As the months went by, he eventually became paralyzed in both of his hind legs. We had to lift his back legs and carry him like a wheelborrow to go outside and to help him move around the house. Our bond never lessened—every day when I would return from work, he would drag himself as fast as he could to greet me at the door. His final days were so hard on us all. I didn’t want to give up on him for my own selfish reasons because I couldn’t imagine not having him in my life.

The day before he was helped to the rainbow bridge, we got a new puppy, Piper, who was the help I needed to let go of Porkchop. It was almost as if he told me that Piper was there for me now and I didn’t need him anymore. So the next day, I made the hardest decision of my life and helped ease his pain.

I will forever be grateful to CBR for saving him and for blessing me with the greatest dog I have ever known and loved. I think he sent Aspen to me for a reason and I feel like he is with me through Aspen

Juliette –Sept. 20, 2013

After losing Natasha, my first Boxer, to a brain tumor in May of 2006, I had decided not to get another dog. In August of 2006, I read Juliette’s story on the CBR website and was quite moved. It was a sad story of a mother and her puppies being abandoned outside of an animal shelter, on a weekend, during the peak of Summer. 

The fact that Juliette looked a lot like my previous dog, also made me decide to try adoption one more time. In short, we spent seven great years together. She was a spirited and fearless dog. Sadly, Juliette met the same fate as Natasha, having seizures back in June. The medication worked for a while, but the brain tumor won out over the Weekend of September 20, 2013. My two girls may be gone but their spirit lives forever.

John Stevens

Suga Bear 2007 – 2013

Suga Bear,was a CBR foster failure many years ago by Nancy Lynch, Suga was 16 1/2 yrs old. She was brought into CBR as a senior and lived many many wonderful happy years with Nancy. She will be very much missed by all.

Nancy Lynch Yates


Our “Pepper-dini-meanie-weenie” came to her fur-ever home on 1/01/09 at the estimated age of 4 from CBR. Sadly, we helped her cross over Rainbow Bridge on 10/10/13. We shared a lifetime together though the time we had with her was shortened due to all her medical conditions.

Tucker –August 16, 2013

Dear Tucker,

Jay Jay and I will miss you very much. You were a great friend to him and host. I’ll miss your funny bark and sweet heart. Run free at the bridge with your brother. We miss you.

Love, Saskia and Jay Jay

Phoenix –June  2013

In loving memory of sweet Phoenix who was the beloved baby of Libba Wiles. He was such a fighter. He had so much against him, but still loved anyway. He will be missed by Libba and all of CBR. May he run free at the bridge and be happy. Thanks, Libba, for loving him so faithfully.

Kathy & Tommy Drinkard

Dixie Poisson- June 21, 2013

Loving dog, great personality, and always knew how to make you feel loved. Dixie will always be missed but leaves us with many fond memories. 

RIP Dixie Poisson                                               Davis Poisson

My Sweet Blu   2001- March 25, 2013

                                                                          So loyal and noble

“Old soul”

My best friend

If I could have one lifetime wish,

One dream that could come true

I’d wish with all my heart,

For yesterday and you.                                    Wende and Shae Fonvielle

Isis –March 16, 2013

Isis was our 8 year old baby, she passed away in the Windsor Green fire in Myrtle Beach. She was the sweetest, most loving animal we ever encountered. We love her so much and we truly miss her. We are at peace knowing she is playing with the angels and we will see her again someday!

Alisha Johnson

Pudge AKA Maximillian – Feb 25 2013

We adopted Pudge (at the time a 12 year old blind boxer who was a courtesy listing on CBR) three years ago. He was a wonderful addition and showed all of us how very strong and brave he was. We should all have that strength of character. We gave him much love and care. We very much miss him.  

The Grant family (Mary, Bubba, Grandmom, Mac)

Shelby Lynn Poston

March 2001 – January 30, 2013

Maggie Harlan – Jan 23 2013

Today we lost our sweet girl, Maggie (known as Merry to CBR) after a valiant battle with hemangioma sarcoma. 10 years ago I saw her angel face on the CBR website. We were looking for a playmate for our 2 year old male boxer puppy and she was the perfect companion. Through Maggie, we met the human “angels”, Joe and Cyndy Sands, who were her foster parents. Maggie joined our family and we were blessed to share her life. She had a mind of her own and lived life on her terms. After surgery last April to remove the cancerous tumor and a kidney, her happy spirit returned and we enjoyed many more joyous walks in the woods; Sunday mornings with a bone; visits with Joe and Cyndy; frolics with her fur brothers in the sunshine and treats before bed. She “talked” to us and always greeted us with her wiggle butt and her boxer paw. Maggie May – we miss your gentle but determined spirit.

Echo – January 21 2013

Echo was adopted from Carolina Boxer Rescue in April of 2005. She was a wonderful little girl. She traveled everywhere with us and as you can see, she loved cruising on the boat with us and the grandkids. She loved everyone and everyone loved her. We sure will miss her.

 Frank & Arlene Stellitano